Ongoing projects

Elite Political Dynamics in Electoral Autocracies (ELITE) is an ongoing project on political elites in electoral auocracies. The project team will study conditions that increase or decrease unity within and between parliamentary parties, the conditions that enable judges in electoral autocracies to safeguard and expand judicial independence, and the conditions under which political elites in electoral autocracies opt to promote human development. The project is funded by a RCN FRIPRO grant (10 million NOK) and I act as proejct leader.

Project page

The Emergence, Life, and Demise of Autocratic Regimes (ELDAR) is a large ongoing project on the processes of autocratization, policy-making in autocracies (education, pensions, infrastructure, media), and how and why autocratic regimes break down. ELDAR is funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant (2 million Euro).

Project page

In Politics of Dictatorships (PoD), the team members will study policies and strategies for repressing domestic actors, security policies and decisions on interstate war and peace, and cooptation policies in the areas of construction, higher education, and labor market regulation and social policies. The project is funded by an RCN FRIPRO grant (12 million NOK).

Mobilizing for and against Democracy (MoDe) focus on the social-group coalitions than make up pro-democratic protest movement. The team members will offer a comprehensive picture of how democratization trajectories have been shaped by the interest, capacity and interaction of the social groups involved – from the French revolution to the present. The project is funded by an RCN FRIPRO grant (12 million NOK).

Project page

In Improving Education for Rohingya Refugees from Myanmar Living in Bangladesh (Educaid), the team members aim to improve knowledge on whether and how education is contributing to mitigating the effects of forced displacement by comparing in-camp, out-of-camp, and host populations, and how to improve the quality of education programs for conflict-affected populations. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the project team tracks the conditions for education and other forms of learning in Cox's Bazar. The project is funded by an RCN NORGLOBAL2 grant (6 million NOK).

Project page